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Message from President

Elementary education has become the fundamental right since 2009 with the implementation of the Right to Education Act. Apart from this, getting English medium and quality education is also the right of every child. Earlier English medium education was considered as a privilege. But now it is no more a privilege, it is rather a necessity every child deserves. I must say Khariar Public School has been doing an excellent job by providing English medium education to the children of this region. In today’s world there is competition at every level and English has become a powerful tool to get prepared for such competition. Hence, these English medium schools have become virtual necessity today. Every school stands on four pillars- Managing Committee, Teachers, Students and Parents. All these four pillars should be well coordinated among themselves for the development of the school. I am proud to say that we strike absolute harmony among each other in our institution.

Our effort has been to provide an enabling and conducive atmosphere for the students so that they express their creativity in an atmosphere of freedom. So we give equal importance to both academic and co-scholastic activities.

I take this opportunity to call upon all the parents, teaching and non-teaching staff and students of this institution to transform this into a centre of academic excellence. I wish this school all the very best for years to come.

Dr. Fanindam Deo (President)

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